Disaster Relief Employment
Do you need temporary employment until your workplace gets back on its feet or figure out your next move? Find out about short-term jobs helping with disaster relief, from clerical and case work to boots-on-the ground.
Disaster Relief Employment FAQs
This grant funds programs providing temporary jobs to those that have become unemployed either temporarily or permanently as a result of a natural disaster. The purpose of these jobs are to assist local recovery efforts through cleanup, repair of facilities, and humanitarian assistance in the counties impacted.
Individuals and the self-employed who are unemployed as a result of the natural disaster will be given priority consideration. Other individuals considered dislocated workers who have lost jobs because of plant closings or layoffs also qualify. This also includes individuals who have been unemployed for the past 13 weeks.
To be eligible for this assistance, a county must have been declared a Federal Disaster Area and determined eligible for public assistance. The Southwestern Workforce Development Board covers Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain, Cherokee, Clay and Graham Counties. Please note, if you complete the contact form on the website indicating your county of residence, your information will be forwarded to the appropriate Workforce Development Board.
The job must be associated with the disaster recovery effort, either in the cleanup of debris and restoration of facilities, humanitarian assistance to those impacted by the disaster or clerical support activities such as processing of assistance applications. Individuals must be placed with public, private or nonprofit organizations. A participant under this program may perform the same work as other State and local public employees are authorized to perform in the same areas.
Individuals must be paid the prevailing rate of pay for other individuals employed in similar occupations with the same employer, with rates starting at a minimum of $15.00 per hour.
An individual may participate in the program for a maximum of 12 months.
This is a list of examples of the types of jobs anticipated to recover from a natural disaster in the region; animal shelter attendant, childcare assistant, general maintenance worker, administrative assistant, data entry clerk, disaster case manager, general laborers, hazard mitigation specialist, maintenance mechanic, maintenance worker, peer support specialist, social & human service assistant, telecommunicator, etc. Highly skilled, professional jobs may also be needed depending upon the skills of workers in the program.
Disaster Recovery Employment Grant: This federal grant comes through the US Department of Labor available through Title III of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. At the State level these funds are administered through the NC Department of Commerce, Division of Workforce Solutions to the local workforce development boards serving the counties eligible for assistance.